community.general.keep_keys 过滤器 – 从列表中字典中保留特定键
此过滤器插件是 community.general 集合(版本 10.1.0)的一部分。
如果您正在使用 ansible
包,您可能已经安装了这个集合。它不包含在 ansible-core
中。要检查它是否已安装,请运行 ansible-galaxy collection list
要安装它,请使用:ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
要在 playbook 中使用它,请指定:community.general.keep_keys
community.general 9.1.0 中的新增功能
这描述了过滤器的输入,即 | community.general.keep_keys
参数 |
注释 |
字典的列表。 顶层键必须是字符串。 |
这描述了过滤器的关键字参数。这些是以下示例中 key1=value1
等值:input | community.general.keep_keys(key1=value1, key2=value2, ...)
参数 |
注释 |
指定目标键的匹配选项。 选项
要保留的单个键或键模式,或要保留的键或键模式列表。 如果 |
- {k0_x0: A0, k1_x1: B0, k2_x2: [C0], k3_x3: foo}
- {k0_x0: A1, k1_x1: B1, k2_x2: [C1], k3_x3: bar}
# 1) By default match keys that equal any of the items in the target.
t: [k0_x0, k1_x1]
r: "{{ l | community.general.keep_keys(target=t) }}"
# 2) Match keys that start with any of the items in the target.
t: [k0, k1]
r: "{{ l | community.general.keep_keys(target=t, matching_parameter='starts_with') }}"
# 3) Match keys that end with any of the items in target.
t: [x0, x1]
r: "{{ l | community.general.keep_keys(target=t, matching_parameter='ends_with') }}"
# 4) Match keys by the regex.
t: ['^.*[01]_x.*$']
r: "{{ l | community.general.keep_keys(target=t, matching_parameter='regex') }}"
# 5) Match keys by the regex.
t: '^.*[01]_x.*$'
r: "{{ l | community.general.keep_keys(target=t, matching_parameter='regex') }}"
# The results of above examples 1-5 are all the same.
- {k0_x0: A0, k1_x1: B0}
- {k0_x0: A1, k1_x1: B1}
# 6) By default match keys that equal the target.
t: k0_x0
r: "{{ l | community.general.keep_keys(target=t) }}"
# 7) Match keys that start with the target.
t: k0
r: "{{ l | community.general.keep_keys(target=t, matching_parameter='starts_with') }}"
# 8) Match keys that end with the target.
t: x0
r: "{{ l | community.general.keep_keys(target=t, matching_parameter='ends_with') }}"
# 9) Match keys by the regex.
t: '^.*0_x.*$'
r: "{{ l | community.general.keep_keys(target=t, matching_parameter='regex') }}"
# The results of above examples 6-9 are all the same.
- {k0_x0: A0}
- {k0_x0: A1}
键 |
描述 |
包含选定键的字典列表。 返回:成功 |